When I was a young programmer in college, I would write a lot in my personal blog (a lot of that old content is now lost). I would document many tips and tricks, installation steps, etc. so that I could refer to them later.
Slowly complacency set in and I began blogging in spurts. I would publish a few weeks of continuous generic topics and then forget about it for years.
I think I need a dedicated space to document my random tech-related thoughts. Can I do it in my personal blog?
Yes. But it's a pain to log in to WordPress, run updates, check out stats, and by the time I begin writing, it's already 3 am.
When I saw Hashnode, I thought, why not use it for this purpose?
I can have my personal blog as is. Have my random thoughts blogged here or maybe on a different subdomain. And if things go well here, I might archive my personal blog and put a static homepage and use this as the primary blog.
Would I be consistent in publishing regularly? I don't know.
But at least I would have helped one person (my future self) in certain topics (like programming, software engineering, entrepreneurship, product development, etc.)